Moving Tips & Resources

When Should I Submit A High Value Inventory Form?

Included in your Move Packet is a high value inventory form. You must use this form to list any items in your possession that are valued greater than $100 per pound.

Family heirlooms and collectibles such as currency, jewelry, serving sets, and antiques are considered high-value. All items of high value must be detailed on the high value inventory sheet for the driver to identify on Moving Day. Failure to list items of high-value on this sheet will result in limited carrier liability.

Shot of a young woman unpacking a box at home

Examples of High Value Household Goods

  • Coin Collections
  • China
  • Computers
  • Crystal
  • Currency
  • Firearms
  • Flat Screen TVs
  • Furs
  • Glass Figurines
  • Manuscripts
  • Musical Instruments
  • Oriental Rugs
  • Paintings & Wall Art
  • Precious Stones & Gems
  • Silver
  • Tapestries
  • Home Theater systems
  • Video Cameras

By signing the inventory form, you agree that any claim your submit for lost or damaged goods must be accompanied by proof of value.

Settlement will be based upon the information contained on the high-value inventory form, the declared value specified on the Bill of Lading, tariffs at time of shipment, the household goods descriptive inventory and any other supporting documents obtained by the moving company before Moving Day.

In short, if you fail to list items of high-value on the inventory sheet, you agree that the moving company’s liability for loss of damage to those items will be limited to no more than $100 per pound per article (based upon actual weight of item claimed).

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